Welcome to the "Self-Improvement" Category

Why the Rush? Add Margin to Your Life

Are you that guy zig-zagging through traffic, gunning it off the light in the hopes of making it across town a couple of minutes faster? (I’m ashamed to admit that that’s me sometimes.) Constantly checking emails on your phone even when you’re eating dinner with family or friends? (Definitely won some awards on that one.) […]

A Tale of Fear, Reverse FOMO and Conquest

This is the first post I ever wrote, about a month before I fired up DeliberateChange.ca™ last November. It’s a little shorter than my usual posts, but nonetheless has some great insight, tips and references. So read on, share, and let me know what you think in the comments! – – I called in sick […]

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Merry Christmas! As we all (hopefully?) relax and spend quality time with family and friends this week, I would like to encourage you to take some time for yourself to reflect on your life. Are you happy with where you are? Is the road ahead bright and sunny? Or is there sadness and uncertainty clouding […]