A Tribute to Future You

Death and destruction are everywhere. And it Sucks. With a capital S. But what will you do about that? Today’s post is unfortunately partly “inspired” by many recent tragedies. I am almost always one of the most energic, optimistic people in the room at any given time. However, as I work through the process of […]

Should I Buy or Rent a Water Heater?

A recent CBC article and a reader request have got me thinking about water heaters. Water heaters are just the kind of thing that you never seem to think about unless there’s a problem. And then it can range from an annoying First World Problem (no hot water) to a serious issue (lots of water […]

How Will You Spend Your $1765 Tax Refund?

It’s tax time. Call me a dork, but I love tax time. For some 17 million Canadians, tax time means a big tax refund. In fact, according to the Canadian government, that many tax returns last year resulted in a combined $30 billion of refunds. That’s $1765 on average. So are what you gonna spend […]

What Will You Do With Your Two Hours?

Does this sound familiar? You’re finally home from work. You’re absolutely exhausted from the daily grind. You’ve been sitting or standing all day. Customers, bosses, and coworkers have been very demanding. Rush hour traffic sucks. You’ve done your best to avoid the parking police while you raced into the school to pick up your kids […]

Why the Rush? Add Margin to Your Life

Are you that guy zig-zagging through traffic, gunning it off the light in the hopes of making it across town a couple of minutes faster? (I’m ashamed to admit that that’s me sometimes.) Constantly checking emails on your phone even when you’re eating dinner with family or friends? (Definitely won some awards on that one.) […]

Reader Case: Pension vs RRSP

Ok, so today we have our first Reader Case Study installment! I guess because this question came from a friend before they knew about the blog, it’s not technically a reader case study, but I’d like to think that they’re now a reader, so I’ll use some artistic liberty with my categories. Today’s question revolves […]