The following is an approximate transcript of the talk I gave at the London ON FIRE meetup in London, Ontario on Oct 30, 2018: You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think. 1. Good evening everybody. It’s great to see so many of you out here tonight. My name is Chris Urbaniak, and I’ve been part […]
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You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think
Filed Under: Planning & Decision-Making Tagged With: Action, Agitate, Agitator, Cars, Change, Choice, Choices, Complainy-Pants, Consequence, Consumerism, Curling, Decision-Making, Decisions, Early Retirement, Ego, Encouragement, Error, Fail, Failure, Finances, Financial Independence, FIRE, Here to There, House Hack, Houses, Important, Income, Investment, Lifestyle, Mistake, Multiple Streams of Income, New Cars, Planning, Rafiki, Retirement, Risk, Risk Management, Trajectory, Used Cars, Volunteer, Waste
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