In late October I had the opportunity speak about how early retirement is more achievable than you might think, provided you take appropriate actions and make wise financial choices. Specifically, on slide 28, I provided a simple example of how healthy spending and savings patterns can open up many life choices. You could stop work […]
Should I Buy or Rent a Water Heater?
A recent CBC article and a reader request have got me thinking about water heaters. Water heaters are just the kind of thing that you never seem to think about unless there’s a problem. And then it can range from an annoying First World Problem (no hot water) to a serious issue (lots of water […]
Why the Rush? Add Margin to Your Life
Are you that guy zig-zagging through traffic, gunning it off the light in the hopes of making it across town a couple of minutes faster? (I’m ashamed to admit that that’s me sometimes.) Constantly checking emails on your phone even when you’re eating dinner with family or friends? (Definitely won some awards on that one.) […]
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