Ok, so today we have our first Reader Case Study installment! I guess because this question came from a friend before they knew about the blog, it’s not technically a reader case study, but I’d like to think that they’re now a reader, so I’ll use some artistic liberty with my categories. Today’s question revolves […]
Archives for February 2018
Raise Kids Without Spending a Fortune
Raising kids does not have to be a financial disaster. Why? Because kids aren’t expensive. Parents make them expensive. I’m not sure who coined that phrase. I’ve seen variations of it pop up all over the place. But one thing is absolutely certain: Raising kids costs more money than not raising kids. Simply put, there […]
Why Are You Driving Your Kids to School?
Tell me: Why are you driving your kids to school? It’s too far. It’s cold outside. It’s raining. The path isn’t plowed. You need to get to work, stat. It’s too dangerous for them to walk. Baloney. When I was growing up, Mom often made bologna sandwiches. Yum. Well, not really. I think Dad must […]
Be the Agitator
While walking across the parking lot after work recently, a colleague asked me how my day went. I don’t normally write about work specifically. It’s a dangerous line to cross. In fact, I have many, many interesting things to say that would probably get me into varying degrees of trouble, so I’ll keep my mouth […]
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