Some of you know that between my full-time job, my young family, and writing the occasional blog article, I started spending my “free time” this year as a volunteer running a local non-profit corporation known as Forest Edge Community Club. We own and operate the Forest Edge Community Pool, which is a fantastic outdoor swimming […]
Should I Buy or Rent a Water Heater?
A recent CBC article and a reader request have got me thinking about water heaters. Water heaters are just the kind of thing that you never seem to think about unless there’s a problem. And then it can range from an annoying First World Problem (no hot water) to a serious issue (lots of water […]
Raise Kids Without Spending a Fortune
Raising kids does not have to be a financial disaster. Why? Because kids aren’t expensive. Parents make them expensive. I’m not sure who coined that phrase. I’ve seen variations of it pop up all over the place. But one thing is absolutely certain: Raising kids costs more money than not raising kids. Simply put, there […]
Why Are You Driving Your Kids to School?
Tell me: Why are you driving your kids to school? It’s too far. It’s cold outside. It’s raining. The path isn’t plowed. You need to get to work, stat. It’s too dangerous for them to walk. Baloney. When I was growing up, Mom often made bologna sandwiches. Yum. Well, not really. I think Dad must […]
How Much Will My New Car Really Cost?
A few weeks ago, I posted about how to make great decisions. I even gave plenty of examples. Part of the process was to get the data and crunch the numbers, but sometimes that’s harder than it looks! Today I’m going to provide step-by-step instructions specifically to figure out how much your new car will […]
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