The following is an approximate transcript of the talk I gave at the London ON FIRE meetup in London, Ontario on Oct 30, 2018: You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think. 1. Good evening everybody. It’s great to see so many of you out here tonight. My name is Chris Urbaniak, and I’ve been part […]
What Would Future You Think?
********** Hot off the press! I’ll be speaking at the London ON FIRE meetup on Tue Oct 30, 6:30pm at 195 Dufferin Ave, London, ON. Come on out, say hi, and learn more about how you can retire sooner than you think! Event info: And now back to our regularly scheduled programming… ********** How […]
Networking: “Don’t Talk to Strangers” is a Fallacy
I love networking. I’m not talking about “Nortel Networking”, although I did spend some time there while they existed. Rather, I’m talking about meeting new people and building relationships. I’m talking about talking to strangers. But why is networking so hard? Why do so many of us fail at being effective at networking? And how […]
I am a Hypocrite. Are You?
Everybody loves a hypocrite. Everybody also loves sarcasm. But perhaps more perceptively, everybody is a hypocrite, at least once in a while. Sometimes more often than not. And so, this week I admit that I, too, am a hypocrite. And it bothers me. So let’s journey together to break down why, as well as what […]
There’s Something to Be Said About Dividends
Some of you probably care immensely about dividends. Some of you probably don’t even know what dividends are (except for free money in Monopoly). And some of you are probably like me: you know the basics and the concepts, but could stand to learn a bunch more to really take advantage of them. Well, a […]
Why the Rush? Add Margin to Your Life
Are you that guy zig-zagging through traffic, gunning it off the light in the hopes of making it across town a couple of minutes faster? (I’m ashamed to admit that that’s me sometimes.) Constantly checking emails on your phone even when you’re eating dinner with family or friends? (Definitely won some awards on that one.) […]
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