Hello and welcome to DeliberateChange.ca™!
I would like to invite you on a journey to build a fulfilling and meaningful life through deliberate financial and lifestyle choices.
Waaayy back in high school, I had a dream of living the “typical” suburban life – you know, with a wife, kids, 4-bedroom double garage McMansion, and a solid career in the corporate world. Some might throw in pets, but I’m allergic, so no pets here.
In 2005 I married the most wonderful woman I know. Right out of university I landed a sweet Engineering gig in London, Ontario, a nice city with a very reasonable cost of living, which allowed my wife and I to purchase our Second Home First*. We’ve grown our family to include two “well behaved” boys (seriously; don’t laugh). And yes, all this time later I’m still married to the same woman, work at the same company, live in the same house and play with the same boys. Check, check, check and check. I’m exactly where High-School-Chris wanted me to be.
But wait – isn’t there more…?
A few years back I starting asking that very question. It took me a while to realize it, but I slowly figured out that I wasn’t really keen on several more decades of the same old, same old. Was I having a mid-life crisis a decade before mid-life? Perhaps, but nonetheless I needed to make a change, so I did. And I still am. And it would not be possible without a series of smart money decisions and intentional trade-offs along the way.
Now it’s time to share the ups and downs, to teach the financial know-how and tips, to encourage you to follow through with your deliberate change. That is what this blog is about!
I encourage you to check in regularly, leave a comment or two, and join the mailing list to stay on top of the latest updates. See you around!
Chris Urbaniak, MASc, P.Eng.
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* Expect this to be a future blog post someday…
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