The following is an approximate transcript of the talk I gave at the London ON FIRE meetup in London, Ontario on Oct 30, 2018: You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think. 1. Good evening everybody. It’s great to see so many of you out here tonight. My name is Chris Urbaniak, and I’ve been part […]
What Would Future You Think?
********** Hot off the press! I’ll be speaking at the London ON FIRE meetup on Tue Oct 30, 6:30pm at 195 Dufferin Ave, London, ON. Come on out, say hi, and learn more about how you can retire sooner than you think! Event info: And now back to our regularly scheduled programming… ********** How […]
5 Keys to a Successful “You-Turn”
Last month we took a little detour from personal growth and finances to corporate growth and finances when I wrote about the 5 keys to a successful turnaround. What I have realized, though, is that those same principles also apply to our personal lives. This is particularly true if you are trying to lead a […]
5 Keys to a Successful Turnaround
Some of you know that between my full-time job, my young family, and writing the occasional blog article, I started spending my “free time” this year as a volunteer running a local non-profit corporation known as Forest Edge Community Club. We own and operate the Forest Edge Community Pool, which is a fantastic outdoor swimming […]
How to Choose a Cell Phone Plan
My wife and I have been hanging on to our $6/mo* cellphone plans for many, many years. Until this week. We recently received notice that our cell phone provider was forcing us into a $10/mo plan, but one that didn’t align with our usage at all. *Ok, I lied. It’s actually only $5.75/mo, but plus […]
I am a Hypocrite. Are You?
Everybody loves a hypocrite. Everybody also loves sarcasm. But perhaps more perceptively, everybody is a hypocrite, at least once in a while. Sometimes more often than not. And so, this week I admit that I, too, am a hypocrite. And it bothers me. So let’s journey together to break down why, as well as what […]
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