I’m pretty sure that most bloggers each have their “anniversary post”, particularly after their first year of blogging. Well, today it’s my turn. And interestingly, it corresponds with the tail end of the calendar year. So why wait for New Year’s to reflect? Instead, let’s take a short journey back right now and celebrate our […]
Do Something to Stand Out
I have the great fortune of being able to work with many very capable young adults and students. Whether it’s through volunteer activities such as the non-profit corporation I lead, or through my day job as a Professional Engineer, I have the opportunity to influence and be influenced by the next crop of star employees […]
When Did You Last Give Someone a Chance?
In today’s hyper-competitive, dog-eat-dog world, there is often a thought that you must only have the best people on your team, and if you can’t, then you must do it yourself. Don’t give someone a chance. Well, I have news for you: On average, people are, well, average. On average, people are average In any […]
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