Raise Kids Without Spending a Fortune

Raising kids does not have to be a financial disaster. Why? Because kids aren’t expensive. Parents make them expensive. I’m not sure who coined that phrase. I’ve seen variations of it pop up all over the place. But one thing is absolutely certain: Raising kids costs more money than not raising kids. Simply put, there […]

Be the Agitator

While walking across the parking lot after work recently, a colleague asked me how my day went. I don’t normally write about work specifically. It’s a dangerous line to cross. In fact, I have many, many interesting things to say that would probably get me into varying degrees of trouble, so I’ll keep my mouth […]

Why Not Reframe What Your Money is Worth?

How much is a dollar worth? More specifically, how much is a dollar worth to you? This could quickly lead to a conversation about inflation and purchasing power, or to a comparison to other currencies, or to an even more philosophical discussion about value. But why not reframe the question and use “real” things to […]

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Merry Christmas! As we all (hopefully?) relax and spend quality time with family and friends this week, I would like to encourage you to take some time for yourself to reflect on your life. Are you happy with where you are? Is the road ahead bright and sunny? Or is there sadness and uncertainty clouding […]

Remembering Everyone’s Name: My Secret Revealed

It was a dark and stormy December night and I was holed up in the basement of some seedy downtown bar, surrounded by dozens of strangers. Everyone was staring at me. My reputation was on the line. Escape was futile. And then I pulled it off: Around the room I went, remembering everyone’s name with […]

Don’t Be Afraid, Be Accountable

Am I afraid of commitment or am I just a poser? On the surface, I’d like to think that I’m not afraid of commitment.  I can point to many examples of my own long-term commitments (my marriage, where I live and where I work, to name a few).  However, peel back the onion and it’s […]