What’s Your Plan, Anyway?

Last week I wrote a bit about figuring out what’s important to you and what you really want. Well, let’s put some meat on those bones as we kick off 2018. Today I’m asking you the question: What’s your plan to get there? I have had the wonderful opportunity to mentor and guide several young […]

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Merry Christmas! As we all (hopefully?) relax and spend quality time with family and friends this week, I would like to encourage you to take some time for yourself to reflect on your life. Are you happy with where you are? Is the road ahead bright and sunny? Or is there sadness and uncertainty clouding […]

Remembering Everyone’s Name: My Secret Revealed

It was a dark and stormy December night and I was holed up in the basement of some seedy downtown bar, surrounded by dozens of strangers. Everyone was staring at me. My reputation was on the line. Escape was futile. And then I pulled it off: Around the room I went, remembering everyone’s name with […]

Goodbye Comfort Zone – Hello Internet!

I hate Facebook. Ok, that’s a lie.  I used to hate Facebook.  I promised anybody who would listen that I would never, ever, ever sign up, let alone share anything publicly.  It was all just a fad and a way for “them” to get all Big Brother on you. Turns out that human beings are […]